Friday 27 April 2012

What's a G-string?

What was the first thing that came into your mind? Be honest! Don't lie! HAHA.

Here's the definition of G-String:
Last week, in Further Applied lecture, somehow this word came about and caused hoohaas in class. Apparently, a few GUYS only knew G-String as the number 3 meaning and had no idea that it means number 1 and 2 too. Guess you know what happens next. The innocent minds, Cheng Shyong and Ricson got teased by the other guys.

'What?!? You don't know? Go ask the girls'

'Go home ask your mother.'

'Ask Mr Ngeoh to explain!'

It goes on and on. It was funny though. Mr Ngeoh, our lecturer was like laughing throughout the class. He must be thinking - Look how adorable this class is. HAHA. The solution that Mr Ngeoh gave to them was, go Google image and search. It was hilarious! You should have seen their faces - What's all the commotion about on a violin string?

Now they know I guess. HAHA. Mr Ngeoh is a really awesome lecturer. He tells us a lot about advanced general knowledge stuff. If you know what I'm talking about. He taught us probability, and hence relate it the the art of gambling. He has got a goofy face and well if you listen in class, his lectures are really easy to understand. 

Bersih 3.0 is tomorrow. He DID NOT encourage us to participate. He said that it's our choice and if we decide to go, we should bring a wood pencil, 555 notebook, water, handkerchief, and a camera. I really want to join in tomorrow. However, due to my overprotective, paranoid and maybe caring parents, I got a long lecture on this and there goes my chance.

 The whole gang were planning to go to experience tomorrow's events. Yes it's dangerous. Many of my teknik friends don't even want to go except maybe Wafi. I guess he ain't going too. So to those that are going tomorrow, take care of yourself and others. DO NOT ruin private and public property. Keep an eye on yourself and others. Have a fun and safe time :)

Parents - No! Do you even understand what I'm trying to say?

Grey Matter shuts down here :)

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