Monday 9 April 2012

Don't Let Disappointments, Disappoint You

Most Profitable Company in Asia
WOW! Right? I got rejected. To put it in a nicer way, I did not get short-listed for the PETRONAS EduQuest Camp. How unlucky. I thought getting freaking good results would at least get me short-listed. Well at least this rejection got me thinking. I should buck up. Get back on my feet, start doing what I used to do in TIKL and stop lazing around in college wasting my parents' money and effort. Now all I hope is to get short-listed for the other 2 scholarships that I have applied - Axiata Scholarship and Khazanah Global Scholarship Programme. A friend's friend of mine got short-listed for the PETRONAS EduQuest Camp, with results almost the same as mine. No fair! Anyway, what is done, is done. I just got to move on :)

Another scholarship that I'm planning to apply, is the Astro Scholarship Award 2012. Since I'm just an SPM leaver, I can only apply for local Universities. "Ok lah tu" :P  The deadline of application is this Sunday. Gotta do it fast and awesome.

I got back my General Paper test papers today. I scored pretty bad for the essay part. I'm in like Band 3, just average. WTH?!? It's natural to swear, it's not normal if you don't. HAHA. At least now I know where I stand, and how I should improve. HOW? Miss J didn't say. Well Miss J, I think you should focus on how to we should improve, than about the scores. About the I-think-she-dislikes-me issue, I think it's just my mind going 'cuckoo'. Everything seems fine today, probably.

I was pretty down about the not-getting-short-listed thing. I bought Cadbury to cheer myself up. It wasn't enough. So after classes, I grabbed a frozen yogurt from Pappa Rich. I go there quite often, almost everyday. I think they gave me a pretty big swirl of frozen yogurt. HAHA. Cheered me up quite a bit. To add icing to the cupcake, I got my P license and March paycheck just awhile ago too. Well as they say, there's always a rainbow after the rain :)

Don't let disappointment, disappoint you :)

Grey Matter shuts down here :)


  1. kim, don't post your home address online mehh - you know how dangerous internet nowadays aite? :D

  2. err, i guess it's the one with links - right below your post :)
