Thursday 12 April 2012

To go or not to go? That's a question

Or should it be: To try or not to try? That's a question.

Next Monday, there will be an audition for TARC's TAD. I thought of trying out for it. I even posted it on Facebook. Click 'LIKE' here. You'd probably be thinking - What is she going to do? I can't dance, or beat box, or sing, or shuffle, or tell jokes. But, I have this skill, or may I say this talent - whistling. Not just ordinary, bird beak whistle, I can whistle without you knowing. Cool huh? Well I think I have a pretty cool talent. HAHA.

For the first few minutes, there weren't any notifications. However, now I have a few 'LIKES', even from my brother! I have performed my whistling act before - last year. There was this event in TIKL - Malam Bakat Amal, something like a talent show. I have no idea why but at that time, I was dying to join. I pestered Siti Dayana, my awesome classmate to join with me. We thought of a variety of different and bizarre ideas. From puppet shows, to duets, you named it. HAHA. Thinking back, it was absolutely hilarious.

In the end, I joined the show, solo. Well, it's cause there wasn't any act that we could collaborate together perfectly. I was really undecided at first, like what I'm going through now. I submitted my application form a little reluctantly as I was uncertain of my choice. Nonetheless, I took up the challenge. Another bugger along the way was - What song or tune should I whistle to? It must be something that I know and not too fast and upbeat. It must also be a piece where the audience can relate to.

It was my amazing dorm mate, Atirah Hashim, that chose a song for me. A song that everyone can relate to and that I am familiar with. The song is *drum rolls* Kau Ilhamku by Manbai. Check out the song below. You're bound to love it. So I practised and practised. Towards the day of the show, sore throat found me. I kept going though, whistling every night before bed, borrowing Syafira's MP3 to record my whistling just to make sure that it'll come out right. HAHA

A few days before the show, there was an audition, a small scaled one. The teachers were kinda stunned when they heard me. You should have seen their faces, they were like :O My teacher even asked me to try it out on the stage. With no audience, I was already shaking at my knees. When the day came, I even asked my dad to bring a nice shirt for me - My Red Checked Shirt. I also gave my dad and my sis a mini performance in the car. That Saturday, I waited for the show to start patiently, it was after Isyak.

I waited with Isaac and Richard, my little juniors *tongue sticking out face*. Isaac was really nice, telling me to chill and that everything will be all right. When it was time to go backstage, I was like OMG! OMG! OMG! I have never performed before, never ever. I went to the backstage with butterflies in my stomach. Performance after performance, I got more and more nervous. Then, I saw Isaac and Richard backstage! They didn't buy the entrance ticket, I guess they sneaked in. HAHA. You guys, thanks for the thumbs up :)

There was one thing that I forgot - my earphones. I wanted to use my earphones to block out sounds from the crowd, in case those sounds frighten me. HAHA! So I looked around and there I saw Helmi a.k.a SMS. He lent me his earphones. THANK YOU HELMI! When it was my turn, they addressed me Hujan. I used to have that mangkuk hair during Form 4. So anyway, I went to the centre of the stage, plucked in the earphones and spoke into the microphone - Hey, saya akan bersiul lagu Kau Ilhamku, really fast.

Third guy from the left :P

I started whistling, hoping that the crowd could hear me. At first they were like - Where did that sound came from? Soon they knew that I was making those whistling sounds. Towards the end of the song, some of them were singing along, so touched :') After I have finished, I said a quick Thank You and ran back backstage. Can't help it. I was freaking out. HAHA. Well that was the end of it. The next week, people were asking me "How did you do that?" , "Can you do it now?". It was fun being like a superstar for a while.

Opps. So perasan. HAHA. I even got a tiny hamper for my performance. So proud of myself. So the audition is next Monday. Will there be 50 likes? I would love to try out, but I'm scared as hell! Oh heart, why are you so freaking timid?

To go or not to go? That's a question

Grey Matter shuts down here :)