Wednesday 18 April 2012

First Shimmer of Hope

If you have bad eye sight, click to enlarge :D
Lookie there. I got invited to go for the Petronas Educamp 2012. Well it isn't the scholarship Educamp, it's the camp where they interview you and assess you to see whether you're qualified for a place in UTP. As you can see in the web shot, I have already chose 'TERIMA'. So I'm going to Tronoh next Tuesday, which means missing college classes. Woohoo. HAHA. Before I checked my status, I got a unexpected call from my assistant class rep, Lee Song Han :)

Apparently, he received 2 text messages regarding the UTP Educamp. The first was to ask he to check his status. The second was to tell him to bring along his documents which he has not posted to UTP. So he called me. HAHA. He sounded disconcerted. It was so funny! He spoke to me in English. Then suddenly, all these Chinese words started coming out of his mouth. I was like uh-oh, I hope my standard of Chinese was enough to communicate with him. Song Han's Chinese is like super-duper advanced (compared to mine)! 

I tried my very best to respond to him informatively. HAHA. Song Han, my Chinese 还不错 right? That's about it, the amusing phone call. I went my mom's laptop to check my status. Turns out, a lot of others got the invitation too. I have a friend, Harith, he got 9A's except English. He didn't get the invitation. Another friend, Naim, with the exact same results as Harith, got it. Life is unfair isn't it. Tons of 7A's and 8A's students got it too. I feel so sorry for him. He even posted the documents required, unlike some others who didn't.

A lot of those who got the invitation are uncertain whether they would want to go or otherwise. Some even say that since it's not the scholarship interview, they are lazy to travel all the way to Tronoh. I personally feel that those who got the invitation should go, regardless of lame excuses. Unless there is a logical reason the absence of yourself. A lot of people out there, meet the criteria and want to have a shot at this but are not chosen. Yet another handful of people are like 'lazy lah'.   <-- This is called WTF attitude.

Anyway, it's not my role to judge anyone. If some lame ass fellow wants to let this chance slip away, not my business. I want to go through this interview because:
  • I want to gain experience from this interview.
  • Make new friends, learn from others who are better.
  • See if I have a shot at Malaysia's Top University.
  • I'm jealous of those who have already been called for interview. HAHA
That''s about it. I ain't giving this high hopes as I intend to apply for full scholarship. I feel I deserve a scholarship with my results. HAHA. I gotta prove it then :)

The special program by JPA officially opened yesterday. I was the one who spread the news on Facebook. Can't help it. I was too excited (not really). This special program is specially for those who want to pursue their dreams in Engineering - like me! There are four countries for you to choose from, namely Germany, France, Japan and Korea. I am currently having a dilemma picking which course I am interested in. Well all of 'em sounds so tempting. However, I think Japan and Korea are out of my list. That leaves Germany and France.

A senior of mine, Shiva, suggested I choose the Germany course. He himself, got the special program to go to Germany. He is so awesome right! He gave me loads of guidelines, suggestions and advice. I'm still thinking though.

Grown up decisions are hard to make :/

Grey Matter shuts down here :)

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