Wednesday 25 April 2012

I'm from Malaysia's Best Technical School!

Finally I got the time to post something on TIKL's Outstanding Award Day (Hari Anugerah Cemerlang) that took place last Saturday (21/04/2012). It was the most memorable event for me and perhaps my parents too. So here goes... ....

2.00am - I set my alarm to ring at 6.30am. As far as I know, the event starts at 8am.

Hours later, I woke up and look at the time on my phone - 7.30am! Oh shoots. I heard the sound of someone coming home. My dad just came back from sending my younger sister to school. He brought back breakfast too! Turns out, my mum woke up around the same time as me and we rushed to get ready. I took a shower and shampooed my hair, wore the dark pink baju kurung and headed out, without breakfast as I didn't want to be late.

I guess my hair was in a mess cause I didn't have the time to comb it. HAHA. Anyhow, the traffic was quite  heavy as it was a school replacement day. My dad drove up to my school and found a parking spot. This time, the Bomba kids were the ones manning the parking system. Usually it was the Scouts. The first person I saw was Siti Dayana! So I walked with her towards the hall. Guess who I saw next? I saw baby Farahin and Tuan! I ruffled through Farahin's head. Aww, that may be the last time I get to do that in school compound :(

Next I headed towards the Registration Counter. I were to receive two awards later on - Best Student Award and Best Student for Electrical and Electronic Engineering Studies. WOW! :P Then I went into the much missed school hall. Red carpet in the middle, rows of chairs on both sides. My seat was on the right, third row. I was suppose to be squashed between Sue and Cikgu Norhayati Manap. However, many teachers didn't turn up. Behind me, there were Azrul, Syarif, Naim, Hanif and Nadia.

After settling down, a few of my juniors came and asked to interview me. So I was like "Ok, Let's do it". HAHA! I did terrible in that interview. They asked me stuff like how did I study, what was my secret, etc etc etc. I answered some crap. But dang I wish I could do it all over again. I hope I look all right in the pictures. That is why I hate taking pictures, it always never turn out right.

After the interview, Pn Khairiah Hasni rushed my back into the hall. Then came the VIPs so everyone rose and clapped. The headmistress gave her speech followed by the PIBG guy. Next, Dato Sohaimi, alumni TIKL gave his awesome interesting speech. He focused a lot on planning and shaping the path of our future. His speech is forever entertaining and never boring. He even played a song through the microphone and explained to us that we have to make our stand and never ever give up.

Throughout the speech sessions, Hanif kept on pulling my hair! Dang it was irritating. I kinda deserved it too as I have not kept some promises. The event continued with award giving ceremony for 7A's and 8A's students. TIKL students are considered lucky as many other schools only give awards to students with 10A's and above. Bless us. Then the coral speakers performed. Honestly I think that last year's performance was much better.

However, coral speaking forever entertains me. I love the way they move their bodies and say things in a different tune. Then there was a dance performance. One of the dancer was a chubby girl. She was really adorable and she danced pretty well I guess. Next was the 9A's and Best Subject turn. I went out to line up too. I heard 9A's got RM150 (correct me if I'm wrong). For best subject, I got a plaque, cert and RM50. WOOHOO!

I didn't have breakfast so I was super-duper hungry. Thank God Nadia had some biscuits to donate to me. Thanks Nadia. When it was time for the highlight of the whole event, all the 10A's student had to go right at the back of the hall. I stuffed the remaining biscuits in my mouth and munched on it quickly. We had to walk from the back of the hall, all the way up the stage. As the best student, I stood in front of everyone. HAHA. My parents stood beside me. Then the kompang started playing and we walked up the stage. My parents and I got seats on the stage while the others had to stand behind us. How awkward!

I was freaking nervous on stage, so was my mum. HAHA. I didn't know where to look or what to do. Next they call out for my name to receive the 10A's award. I got a plaque, cert, RM200 and guess what, a SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB 7.0 PLUS! I went back to my seat while the other 10A's student received their awards. Afterwards, I had to stand on the left side of the stage while Cikgu Radziah reads out my bio data. So I stood there like a log. HAHA

At one point, I heard my friends calling out. I looked at where the voice came from and I saw Aznol, Anis MashMash and a few others waving at me. It was a funny and delightful moment. I smiled back at them. I also saw Harith tunjuk2 kt someone :D So while the teacher was mentioning all my achievements, she mentioned that I got 7A's in my PMR but she left out my D. Attention people, I got a D in my PMR Chinese and I'm proud of it. HAHA!

After the babbling (hehe) I went to the middle of the stage again to receive other stuff. I got a rose tied around my wrist (Ewww), a trophy, 'piala pusingan' and a cert. My mum got a bouquet of orchids while my dad got a towel with the school logo. HAHA. I also had this thing draped around my shoulders. Not sure what it's called. 'CHIKCHAK CHIKCHAK' Pictures were taken and that's the end of it.

Later, I was rushed to the dining for lunch. Geez I wish I could eat using my hands with my friends instead of eating formally with all the old people. HAHA. I took a pretty long time eating. By the time I was done eating and thanking my teachers, there was not a sign of people my batch. That's about it. The worst thing was that I didn't manage to take photos with my friends. Till next time I hope.

The un-boxing of Tabby:

Tadaa! :D

Drum rolls...

More Drum rolls...


Thank You Dato Sohaimi :)


  1. i'm the first..well kim, congrats girl..

  2. Replies
    1. me too :D miran kate mei hang out!

    2. mei hang out! O_o keluar same2 mei nie ke..or so dummy =_=

    3. ntah lah. Cube tanye miran :)
