Thursday 19 April 2012

It's Coming Soon !

First time I got so many likes for a comment. 8 isn't a lot, but for me, it's an achievement. HAHA. So, TIKL's Outstanding Award Day (Hari Anugerah Cemerlang) is coming soon, this Saturday (21/04/2012). I can't wait. I'm excited and a little nervous at the same time.

First of all, it might be the last time I'm seeing all my classmates, course mates and schoolmates together. Not all will be there but still. Secondly, I'm nervous as I have to go up the stage. I never liked going up on the stage. It's true I've been up there loads of time in TIKL, but I always zoomed down after receiving my award or cert.

Last Tuesday, I got a call from Cikgu Linda, right after Further Pure tutorial. She wanted to interview me *jengjengjeng*. My first interview! HAHA. Anyway, she asked loads of stuff and details about me. From my time of birth to my principle of life. Before that, she asked whether or not I have received a letter from the school. I told her no, and she was like !@#$%^. I just kept silent for that part. It's Thursday already and I still have not received the letter.

So if you're wondering what's my Principle of Life, it's:

Go with the flow, 顺其自然. I learnt this phrase from a senior of mine, Chan Jia Wei. He is a guy who speaks his mind, a debater, a people person. This is one of the things he taught me, that I'll remember for life. Thanks mate. Why did I chose this as my principle? During my last two years of formal education in TIKL, I was the only Chinese girl in the school. All my friends were Malays and Indians. I got along well with them. Though sometimes I fell left out, dejected, disheartened, and low-spirited. At times like this, this phrase turns me back to reality.

I chose this path in live. I chose to further my studies in TIKL after my PMR. It was my choice and I have to face it and deal with it. I can't let little things affect me. At times I felt like so alone, miserable, scared and terrified. Many events in life don't take place as we want it to. However, we must accept the fact and move on. Letting small issues affect us reflects on us, it shows that we are weak and fragile. We have to stay strong, and let what's going to happen, happen :)

I got chosen as TIKL 10/11's Best Overall Student (woohoo to me :P) with me having the best results in school. It is an honour. Thank you TIKL. From what I've observed throughout my Form 4 and Form 5 years, the Award Ceremony is pretty complicated and outrageous - especially awarding the Best Overall Student part. He or she has to parade through the whole hall with his or her parents, then stand on the stage while their biography is read out aloud. WOAH! right?

I swear I never thought this day would come. Seeing myself scoring straight A's is still believable, but being the best student, somehow I still can't believe it. HAHA. If our alumni, some Dato' guy keeps his promise, I might be getting a Samsung Galaxy Tab *beams*. I wish the process would go by in a flash. I'm afraid I might stand in an awkward posture, or make a silly face, or my legs are apart too wide, etc etc etc. Silly me right *tongue sticks out*.

Let what's going to happen, happen :)

Grey Matter shuts down here :)


  1. hey, don't forget to post your soon-to-get-for-sure galaxy tab here :D
