Tuesday 10 April 2012

Over it. Not

I take things that I'm into, seriously. Still sad and devastated (not really) that I didn't get short listed for round one. I didn't shed a tear, but instead laughed when I tell someone how sad I am about this. WTH is wrong with me? HAHA

There's this one rejection that got me crying two years back. I was a Form 4 kid going on to Form 5 and I freaking wanted to be a member of the BB - Briged Bestari. I got the application form, filled it with my best hand writing, pasted my best passport sized photo and sent in the application, just hoping to get an interview. I really wanted to be a member of the BB mainly it's because of their vest. The vest is freaking cool! Besides that, I was also interested in the preparations they do on stage.

Guess what? I got rejected. So did Vinod, for the stupidest, most illogical reason - we were outsiders. In TIKL, outsiders are those that did not live in the hostel. I literally wept after that, well not in front of the teacher of course. HAHA. I always thought that if I was a BB, it would be the coolest thing ever! Well, I guess God had other plans for me. I ended up becoming a member of the Student Council a.k.a Majlis Pemimpin Pelajar (MPP), in which I also ended up living in the hostel. In your face cikgu :P

I'm still not over the Petronas thing. Why? People with results a little lower than mine are getting it. There's this girl from my previous school, just an A+ lower than me. Well she got short-listed. I am happy for her, a little jealous at the same time. HAHA. A college mate suggested that maybe she was more active in co-curricular activities than me. In my personal opinion, I think I was more active than her. I might be wrong, or not.

I bought Cadbury - Black Forest to cheer myself up. Somehow, I still feel down. Really down even if I'm not showing it. I don't, or maybe almost rarely post sad, emotional statuses on my Facebook. On my Twitter, I post anything about everything. Nah. Just joking. No way am I going to be so public about my live.

Anyway, my mom told me that maybe if I got through to easily, I won't value it. Maybe this rejection is a calling for me to do better in my future applications. It cheered me up a little. What my mom said might be true. Maybe that Petronas scholarship ain't for me, or they want me to try harder next time ;)

It ain't the end. It's just a new beginning :)

Grey Matter shuts down here :) 

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