Thursday 5 April 2012

Screw you. No. Me.

Thank you Mr Low for cancelling Chemistry Lecture. First time in weeks I slept pass 8am. Wanted to skip Physics lecture too, but dad wouldn't allow. What to do? After having a tiny meal at home, I sorta, kinda insisted that I wanted SUBWAY. I mean like how could you resist this:

It's making my stomach growl :O
My awesome dad took me to Subway, Cheras Leisure Mall. So I ordered my Sub of the Day - Roasted Chicken. Here's how I order my Sub:
Green Peppers

Olive Oil
Sweet Onion
Honey Mustard

Cheese Powder

Try the Kimee Sub. You're bound to love it :) I ordered a cookie, in case I get hungry during classes. Teehee. I reached TARC on the dot. Dragged my feet all the way to the highest floor of H Block.


Classes went by and then there was GP test. Well, here's a thing. I think my GP teacher, Miss J maybe dislikes me. Why I say so? She usually smiles at me, make small talks with me, jokes with me and disturbs me. Now things seemed to have changed dotdotdot This Grey Matter of mine has thought of a few reasons:
  1. I skipped her lesson on Monday.
  2. I haven't got back to her on the Captain Ball thing.
  3. I texted in one of her classes, front row.
It's creeping me a little. I hate it when people changes. I always like the old person better. Unless you're changing for the better, stick to your old self :)

My phone. My Samsung Galaxy Wonder, is sick - battery draining out really quickly and the gravity sensor ain't working. Sent it for repair so many times but problem still not fixed. What to do? Now the technician say need to send it to Plaza Low Yat service centre. Maybe, just maybe its the cause of it's first fall on 20 March 2012 - it dropped screen down on a metal nut. There weren't any scratches or cracks. I thought it was fine. Or not. Well I hope it gets well soon.

There's this thing on Flyfm called Paranoid Activity. Today's challenge is called Iron Stomach. You'd have to eat a block of butter, 5 Roti Canais and baby bitter gourds. Easy right? I wanted to be the lowest bidder so badly. Well, luck wasn't with me today. I got thru the first time but the line got cut off. I tried again - 86 times. Not a single time did I manage to get thru again. *sighs* Just my luck I guess :)

I sorta, kinda met Nazhif just now, a little awkwardly. He was working. I guess he didn't have the time to chit chat with me. HAHA. The next time I find him, I'd make sure its his break time or something :)

Grey Matter shuts down here :)

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