Sunday 1 July 2012

From Candidates, to Members

As of 28 June 2012, I am a member of KMTPh's student council :)

It all begin when the notices were up and people started talking about it. There were certain steps you had to follow throughout the election. I got selected as a candidate to represent my classmates, E1P3 and mentor-mentee group 11. I didn't mind being a candidate, I thought that it will be real fun campaigning, putting up posters and presenting your manifestos. I thought that it will be great experience and well, no harm running for student council.

On Monday (25/06/2012), we had a candidate's meeting at one of the meeting rooms. The meeting room was super class, super cool and super awesome! Other candidates from TIKL were Izwan, Syed and Halim. During the meeting, they just rambled on what we had to do and so on. We had to come out with a poster and put it up around the college, it wasn't compulsory though. In the end, many of them didn't have a poster.
P/s: My awesome RM 50 leather bag broke while I was on my way to the meeting :/

I was kinda into this election thing. I was thinking, since I already am a candidate, I should work hard and try my luck. That night, I stayed up to do my co-curriculum work before starting off my poster. It was tough deciding what photo to use, since I only have Facebook pictures to choose from. In the end, I decided on the photo captured by Azzam Azhar, when we were on a school trip last year. I did my poster in my neighbor's room. Another two of them were doing theirs, Risa and Ayu.

When Risa was done with hers, it was like WOAH! Mind blowing. Her poster was like perfect. It made mine look shallow, low class and unattractive. HAHA! Who cares? The next day, I went to the HEP to print my poster. It turned out BAD. The alignment was all out. Plus, I missed a few items on the poster, i.e: college's logo and name, my course etc. Hence, I have to make amendments, while many others have hung up their posters. For this election, printing service, photostat service and strings are provided free!

I start amending my poster in the afternoon. Fear of the alignments going wrong again, I printed one copy on Ainaa's (my super nice classmate) printer first. It turned out nice I guess :P Tuesday night, I did Izwan's poster too. Since he loaned me his laptop to do my assignments, to update my blog, to facebook, it's time for me to do something back :) His poster was real easy to do. I just used my finished poster, changed the photo, then change a little of the wordings and all and there you get another poster :P

Turns out that, I was the only one using full body picture. HEHE. So the Electric candidates were to present their manifestos on Wednesday night together with the Mechanical candidates. The Civil candidates had done it the previous night. Before going on stage, I practiced in my room with the help of my roommates, I think I sounded pretty well and confident. In a twist of fate, it turned out the opposite. I didn't sound like how I wanted to sound. HAHA! At least I think I got my message across, hopefully.

Many of my friends described my speech as 'sempoi' or 'santai'. God knows what that means. HEHE. Putting up posters was a little hassle. Almost 80 % of the candidates put up their posters alone. Well as for me, I decided to put it up with other candidates, Haziq and Izwan. Hoping that alternate posters won't look so boring, we stapled our hearts out (exaggerating), paper after paper. But in reality, we only put up our posters in a few places, strategic ones:
  1. Ko-op
  2. Cafe
  3. English Zone
  4. Outside guy's hostel
  5. Masjid
  6. Hostel notice boards
Strategic right? :P

Thursday was the voting day. It was kinda exciting. We had to go to classes as usual though. When it was time to vote, I voted too! Only students from Electric course could vote for Electric candidates. Oh well. There were 9 candidates for Electric course and 6 were to be selected. Not much of a tough fight. I voted for those that in the end got selected too. If you know what I mean. After voting, I went back to my room and have that long awaited nap after all those sleepless nights.

The results were to be announced that night itself. Honestly, I wanted people to vote for be because I'm capable of this role, not because I'm that Chinese in KMTPh. First, they called up all the Electric candidates. The 1st candidate got about 30 + votes. The 2nd candidate got about 50 + votes. I am the 3rd candidate. I was kinda nervous when they were about to announce my number of votes, fearing that it might be lower than the 1st and 2nd candidate. Guess what? I got 72 votes man! Highest votes for Electric course :D I was so happy for myself. HEHE.

Izwan got 2nd highest votes for Electric course, 67 votes! To sum up this whole event, there were many issues that came to light. For one, popularity mattered a lot. Many candidates who worked hard producing a poster, who wanted to be part of the student council didn't make it. However, some popular ones, made it without much sweat. First impressions were also crucial in these kinda events. Make the first wrong move then KAPUTT! There are also a few others that need not be known. Lets just let bygones be bygones.

I'll post a picture of my poster soon...

Let's keep it simple. Tell me what you want and I will fight for it.

Grey Matter shuts down here :)

Saturday 23 June 2012

Sepandai-pandai Tupai Melompat, Akhirnya Jatuh Juga.

Me in KMTPH, almost a month now. There are so many stories created. This story is about bicycle and I. HAHA. Here in KMTPH, you can rent bicycles for free every evening during recreation time in the evening. That's what I've been doing since day one, cycling around the college every single day without fail (except for a few occasional cases :P) Initially I cycled with Ratna, after awhile, I cycled alone as Ratna has netball training.

Zooming around the college compound was my daily routine. In the beginning, I cycled at a constant pace. As time progressed, I started speeding a lot. From the sports store, to the hostel, to the guard house,'ZOOM, ZOOM, ZOOM' I went. HAHA. It was a really nice way for me to relax as there were no boundaries. I could go however fast I want, no one would stop me. Best feeling ever :D Me speeding everyday finally came to a stop when... ... ...

20/06/2012 - 5.40pm
Was suppose to go to basketball training at 5.30pm but the sports storage room open so late. I wanted to cycle to the basketball court as I was too lazy to walk there. So when I finally manage to rent a bicycle, Bicycle No. 30 (Basikal Isa kot --"), I raced down the road, speeding a lot faster than usual. at the T-junction, I sped all the way round the corner without applying any break #likeaboss. Then I saw a loophole, tried to avoid it, then 'BANG'! ` I hit the drain divider.

When I got up, I was hoping that no one saw my fall. I looked up and saw that the netballers were far from view. When I turned, I saw all the 'kawad kaki' people staring at me. 'Aiyok, so embarrassing. HAHA.' The lecturer handling the team came towards me and asked whether I was all right, I said I was. I saw Che, she was smiling at me (how evil of her) . I cycled away, slowly. I was awarded a few wounds and bruises from the fall. From head to shoulders to palm and knees.

I went to find Pn Elmi, she help me applied some antiseptic to my wounds. It stung so badly. After this incident, it was so hard to do the stuff that I do daily. For example: washing my clothes, taking showers etc. I had to depend on the washing machine this few days. The washing machine sucks, hand wash is much cleaner and scented :D It's been a few days and the wounds are healing, so much easier to do stuff now.

The day after my fall, one of our lab assistants passed away due to a motor accident. He fell asleep and fell into a drain. His death was tragic and sad. Come to think of it, our accident was almost similar and I feel much grateful that I am still standing here today. Well, life appreciated :)

Today, Asep disturbed me in Student Center KMTPh (--")

Grateful to be still alive today...

Grey Matter shuts down here :)

Friday 15 June 2012

3 Weeks and Counting

Surrounded by palm oils, that's where I am now, Kolej Matrikulasi Teknikal Pahang a.k.a KMTPh.

28 May was the day of a new start. I ain't gonna mess this up this time. 

Week 1: Minggu Pengurusan Pelajar Baru (MPPB) / New Students Management Week.
The whole of week one was tiring, fun, extraordinary and unforgettable. There were a few seniors from TIKL who were our facilitators - Isa, Kak Aza, Ikram, Ju Boy, and a few others whose name I don't know :P Everyone was divided into four groups and we had to be in that group throughout the whole week. I was in group 4, assistant head too. HAHA. My group's name was Spidermite, combination of 'spider' and 'dynamite'. 

On Thursday (01/06/2012), each group had to perform during our last night together with the facilitators. For my group, we did 'Dikir Barat'. I got to play the gong :) It was an amazing experience for me, maybe the first and last time. Abang Sofi, the facilitator that took care of my group was an Angel. During frustrating and irritating moments, he was always cool and calm. never once did he scold us. Abang Syamil was the one who taught me how to play the gong :3

My mentor for this whole matriculation program is Sir Meor Azman Putra b. Ahmad. He is like funnest lecturer. The facilitator that watch over out mentor-mentee group was also Meor. HAHA. Abang Meor looks like a little boy, cute and innocent face. Then there's Abang Mazni, he reminds me of my twin, Cheng, a little. He is real adorable and can sing 老鼠大米 really well too.One more unusual thing about him is that he puts air freshener on his bicycle. All our facilitators travel on bikes.

Then came the last day of MPPB. One of the events was reading of the pledge. Guess what, all three representatives on the stage were from TIKL - Haziq, Izwan and Me. HAHA. All of us were shaking up there. Then that was the end. After the closing ceremony, there were lots of goodbyes and picture taking. Come to think of it, our facilitators were like superstars. Everyone wanted to take photos with them and wanted their number. Our facilitators were the BEST. I'm gonna miss them :/

Week 2: First week of lectures
More like introduce yourself in every class week. In almost every class we went, we had to introduce ourselves. It was boring and annoying. I had to repeat 'Nama saya Kimberly Tay Shu Yen, dari SMTKL, asal Cheras, KL... ... ...' so many times. Overall all my lecturers are nice. Maths lecturer a little boring, Current tutorial lecturer talk a lot, teach less. HEHE. The lecture halls are nice, but expensive nice but presentable nice :)

Week 3: Third week and counting...
So I have been here for 3 weeks now, surviving all right with other ex-TIKLians - Che, Nad, Ratna, Izwan, Fuad, Mad, Hanep, Halim, Haziq, SMS, Naim, Kimi, Syed, Wafi, and 2 more of them this week - Asep and Syahmi :) 
Here, we can rent bicycle every evening. That's what I've been doing every evening, zooming round the whole college, without fail :)

It's going to be tough, but we'll survive. 4 flat is our goal.

3 weeks and counting... 

Grey Matter shuts down here :)

Friday 27 April 2012

What's a G-string?

What was the first thing that came into your mind? Be honest! Don't lie! HAHA.

Here's the definition of G-String:
Last week, in Further Applied lecture, somehow this word came about and caused hoohaas in class. Apparently, a few GUYS only knew G-String as the number 3 meaning and had no idea that it means number 1 and 2 too. Guess you know what happens next. The innocent minds, Cheng Shyong and Ricson got teased by the other guys.

'What?!? You don't know? Go ask the girls'

'Go home ask your mother.'

'Ask Mr Ngeoh to explain!'

It goes on and on. It was funny though. Mr Ngeoh, our lecturer was like laughing throughout the class. He must be thinking - Look how adorable this class is. HAHA. The solution that Mr Ngeoh gave to them was, go Google image and search. It was hilarious! You should have seen their faces - What's all the commotion about on a violin string?

Now they know I guess. HAHA. Mr Ngeoh is a really awesome lecturer. He tells us a lot about advanced general knowledge stuff. If you know what I'm talking about. He taught us probability, and hence relate it the the art of gambling. He has got a goofy face and well if you listen in class, his lectures are really easy to understand. 

Bersih 3.0 is tomorrow. He DID NOT encourage us to participate. He said that it's our choice and if we decide to go, we should bring a wood pencil, 555 notebook, water, handkerchief, and a camera. I really want to join in tomorrow. However, due to my overprotective, paranoid and maybe caring parents, I got a long lecture on this and there goes my chance.

 The whole gang were planning to go to experience tomorrow's events. Yes it's dangerous. Many of my teknik friends don't even want to go except maybe Wafi. I guess he ain't going too. So to those that are going tomorrow, take care of yourself and others. DO NOT ruin private and public property. Keep an eye on yourself and others. Have a fun and safe time :)

Parents - No! Do you even understand what I'm trying to say?

Grey Matter shuts down here :)

Thursday 26 April 2012

Was I Up To Standard?

Universiti Teknologi Petronas. Am I qualified or not? We'll find out on 4th May 2012 :)

Last Tuesday (24/04/2012), I went for the UTP Educamp. Actually it's just a few sessions of interviews. I travelled to Ipoh on Monday, stayed at my uncle's house for the night. A few of my friends went too, namely Naim, Azrul, Hazim, Azzam, Arif, Tuan, Nisa, Elya, Hata, Aiman, Hanif, Awah and a few others. Azrul, Hazim and Elya travelled in the morning! Fuyooh! I salute them :D 

When I arrived, I queued up for registration. I looked around to see if there was any Teknik kids. No sign. Then I saw Bob! Next I saw Tuan! After the registration, Tuan and I went up together. The chancellor hall was super duper awesome! 
Nice right?
Tuan and I was like searching for a  place to sit. Then I heard the annoying 'kissing' sound. If you know what I mean. I turned and guess what? I saw a bunch of Teknik kids conquering the back row. HAHA. Somehow, the way the people are seated are separated, girls on the left, guys on the right. Anti-social! Anyway, we headed towards them. I, as always, the connector, sat beside Hazim :D 

However, I somehow ended at the end of the row. Thanks to Azzam. Just my luck. HAHA. As usual, there was doa, and singing, and speeches. There were four groups, namely A, B, C, and D. Bob and I were in Group C. Azzam and Nisa were in Group D. The others were in Group A and B. So Group A and B got to go for the interview first. The rest were left at the chancellor hall to listen to some career briefing.

Half way through the briefing, we met Aidil, our senior! Actually he wanted to take us to the library. Thanks to my strict parents, I stayed put. *blablabla* After the career briefing, we headed of the their Masjid by the UTP bus. The bus was amazing, like a travel bus. There were even seat belts on every seat! *munchmunchmunch* The lunch was all right I guess. Bob said it was not appetising though.

After eating, I met my parents for a while and told them I was going to Block B, where the interview is going to take place. *Doink* I saw Nisa and Aidil. Chatted with them for a bit then Nisa and I headed to Block B. We were in different groups so we had to separate. First we had to gather at the briefing room. So I went in and sat on the left side, second row. After a long while, I noticed something not right. 

I turned around, guess what? I was sitting at the guys' side and no one bothered to tell me. Damn it. Evil people. Anyway, I just laughed it off and went the the girl's area. I tried talking to the girl on my left, Polim. Somehow I felt that she didn't feel comfortable talking with me. Thank God a few minutes later, we had to go to another room. Everyone had to sit in a group of 5, 3 boys and 2 girls. Polim's group had three girls already, so yeah! 

I ended up sitting in the group with 3 guys which says Panel 18. All of them were SO unfriendly. I tried saying 'Hi' but I received cold responses. A girl joined us later. In my group, there was an RMC guy and a Caucasian, a guy that says he's 17 but was born on the same year as me and a Malay girl. We were given about 10 minutes to prepare points for our case study. My problem was - People are spending too much time on the computer. The recommended solution was - A special program is to be built of every computer to limit the usage of computer for a person. 

I had my own solution too though - A rehab centre is to be set up for cyber addicts. I heard this case on the radio before, thanks Flyfm :)  While at the waiting room, I sat next to Awah! She misses my odd whistling :P During the individual session, I had to introduce myself. I just talked about my school. Dang, I just totally forgot about myself during that few moments. Then I proceeded with my points. I think I did all right but as I was going out, I heard one of the interviewers say 'Ni moderate je kn'. Ouch. HAHA!

Next, all 5 of us went into the little room again for the group discussion. I think I did pretty well. HAHA. During this session, only three of us, RMC guy, mat salleh guy and I were active. The other two were pretty much silent throughout the whole thing. When the interviewers told us to come to a conclusion, RMC guys came out with another point. WTH man. Anyway, the mat salleh guy agreed with my point. Yay! After the group discussion, we had to send in our notes. The RMC guy's notes was like 'ham choi'! No joke.HAHA

On my way out, I chatted with the RMC guy. His name is Yusuf. Turns out, he is a good friend of Harith. HAHA. *blablabla* That was all. I finished around 4pm, went back to Ipoh, and headed for KL after dinner. I left Tabby's charger in my grandma's room. My Dabeliew (W) is with my sister. So I'm temporarily using my little Sony until my cousin brings my charger for me. 

I really, really, really hope I get a place in UTP. I know the cost is super expensive. I'll apply PTPTN loan or something maybe. It would be even better if all the TIKL students that went to interview gets a place :) A friend of mine, Farhan, was suppose to go. Ended up not making it cause his father told him - If you're going there to just simply do the interview, better don't go. Geez. I pity him :( I gained a lot of experience from that interview. I'm a little more confident I think. HAHA

Will I get it or not? :O

Grey Matter shuts down here :)

Wednesday 25 April 2012

I'm from Malaysia's Best Technical School!

Finally I got the time to post something on TIKL's Outstanding Award Day (Hari Anugerah Cemerlang) that took place last Saturday (21/04/2012). It was the most memorable event for me and perhaps my parents too. So here goes... ....

2.00am - I set my alarm to ring at 6.30am. As far as I know, the event starts at 8am.

Hours later, I woke up and look at the time on my phone - 7.30am! Oh shoots. I heard the sound of someone coming home. My dad just came back from sending my younger sister to school. He brought back breakfast too! Turns out, my mum woke up around the same time as me and we rushed to get ready. I took a shower and shampooed my hair, wore the dark pink baju kurung and headed out, without breakfast as I didn't want to be late.

I guess my hair was in a mess cause I didn't have the time to comb it. HAHA. Anyhow, the traffic was quite  heavy as it was a school replacement day. My dad drove up to my school and found a parking spot. This time, the Bomba kids were the ones manning the parking system. Usually it was the Scouts. The first person I saw was Siti Dayana! So I walked with her towards the hall. Guess who I saw next? I saw baby Farahin and Tuan! I ruffled through Farahin's head. Aww, that may be the last time I get to do that in school compound :(

Next I headed towards the Registration Counter. I were to receive two awards later on - Best Student Award and Best Student for Electrical and Electronic Engineering Studies. WOW! :P Then I went into the much missed school hall. Red carpet in the middle, rows of chairs on both sides. My seat was on the right, third row. I was suppose to be squashed between Sue and Cikgu Norhayati Manap. However, many teachers didn't turn up. Behind me, there were Azrul, Syarif, Naim, Hanif and Nadia.

After settling down, a few of my juniors came and asked to interview me. So I was like "Ok, Let's do it". HAHA! I did terrible in that interview. They asked me stuff like how did I study, what was my secret, etc etc etc. I answered some crap. But dang I wish I could do it all over again. I hope I look all right in the pictures. That is why I hate taking pictures, it always never turn out right.

After the interview, Pn Khairiah Hasni rushed my back into the hall. Then came the VIPs so everyone rose and clapped. The headmistress gave her speech followed by the PIBG guy. Next, Dato Sohaimi, alumni TIKL gave his awesome interesting speech. He focused a lot on planning and shaping the path of our future. His speech is forever entertaining and never boring. He even played a song through the microphone and explained to us that we have to make our stand and never ever give up.

Throughout the speech sessions, Hanif kept on pulling my hair! Dang it was irritating. I kinda deserved it too as I have not kept some promises. The event continued with award giving ceremony for 7A's and 8A's students. TIKL students are considered lucky as many other schools only give awards to students with 10A's and above. Bless us. Then the coral speakers performed. Honestly I think that last year's performance was much better.

However, coral speaking forever entertains me. I love the way they move their bodies and say things in a different tune. Then there was a dance performance. One of the dancer was a chubby girl. She was really adorable and she danced pretty well I guess. Next was the 9A's and Best Subject turn. I went out to line up too. I heard 9A's got RM150 (correct me if I'm wrong). For best subject, I got a plaque, cert and RM50. WOOHOO!

I didn't have breakfast so I was super-duper hungry. Thank God Nadia had some biscuits to donate to me. Thanks Nadia. When it was time for the highlight of the whole event, all the 10A's student had to go right at the back of the hall. I stuffed the remaining biscuits in my mouth and munched on it quickly. We had to walk from the back of the hall, all the way up the stage. As the best student, I stood in front of everyone. HAHA. My parents stood beside me. Then the kompang started playing and we walked up the stage. My parents and I got seats on the stage while the others had to stand behind us. How awkward!

I was freaking nervous on stage, so was my mum. HAHA. I didn't know where to look or what to do. Next they call out for my name to receive the 10A's award. I got a plaque, cert, RM200 and guess what, a SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB 7.0 PLUS! I went back to my seat while the other 10A's student received their awards. Afterwards, I had to stand on the left side of the stage while Cikgu Radziah reads out my bio data. So I stood there like a log. HAHA

At one point, I heard my friends calling out. I looked at where the voice came from and I saw Aznol, Anis MashMash and a few others waving at me. It was a funny and delightful moment. I smiled back at them. I also saw Harith tunjuk2 kt someone :D So while the teacher was mentioning all my achievements, she mentioned that I got 7A's in my PMR but she left out my D. Attention people, I got a D in my PMR Chinese and I'm proud of it. HAHA!

After the babbling (hehe) I went to the middle of the stage again to receive other stuff. I got a rose tied around my wrist (Ewww), a trophy, 'piala pusingan' and a cert. My mum got a bouquet of orchids while my dad got a towel with the school logo. HAHA. I also had this thing draped around my shoulders. Not sure what it's called. 'CHIKCHAK CHIKCHAK' Pictures were taken and that's the end of it.

Later, I was rushed to the dining for lunch. Geez I wish I could eat using my hands with my friends instead of eating formally with all the old people. HAHA. I took a pretty long time eating. By the time I was done eating and thanking my teachers, there was not a sign of people my batch. That's about it. The worst thing was that I didn't manage to take photos with my friends. Till next time I hope.

The un-boxing of Tabby:

Tadaa! :D

Drum rolls...

More Drum rolls...


Thank You Dato Sohaimi :)

Thursday 19 April 2012

It's Coming Soon !

First time I got so many likes for a comment. 8 isn't a lot, but for me, it's an achievement. HAHA. So, TIKL's Outstanding Award Day (Hari Anugerah Cemerlang) is coming soon, this Saturday (21/04/2012). I can't wait. I'm excited and a little nervous at the same time.

First of all, it might be the last time I'm seeing all my classmates, course mates and schoolmates together. Not all will be there but still. Secondly, I'm nervous as I have to go up the stage. I never liked going up on the stage. It's true I've been up there loads of time in TIKL, but I always zoomed down after receiving my award or cert.

Last Tuesday, I got a call from Cikgu Linda, right after Further Pure tutorial. She wanted to interview me *jengjengjeng*. My first interview! HAHA. Anyway, she asked loads of stuff and details about me. From my time of birth to my principle of life. Before that, she asked whether or not I have received a letter from the school. I told her no, and she was like !@#$%^. I just kept silent for that part. It's Thursday already and I still have not received the letter.

So if you're wondering what's my Principle of Life, it's:

Go with the flow, 顺其自然. I learnt this phrase from a senior of mine, Chan Jia Wei. He is a guy who speaks his mind, a debater, a people person. This is one of the things he taught me, that I'll remember for life. Thanks mate. Why did I chose this as my principle? During my last two years of formal education in TIKL, I was the only Chinese girl in the school. All my friends were Malays and Indians. I got along well with them. Though sometimes I fell left out, dejected, disheartened, and low-spirited. At times like this, this phrase turns me back to reality.

I chose this path in live. I chose to further my studies in TIKL after my PMR. It was my choice and I have to face it and deal with it. I can't let little things affect me. At times I felt like so alone, miserable, scared and terrified. Many events in life don't take place as we want it to. However, we must accept the fact and move on. Letting small issues affect us reflects on us, it shows that we are weak and fragile. We have to stay strong, and let what's going to happen, happen :)

I got chosen as TIKL 10/11's Best Overall Student (woohoo to me :P) with me having the best results in school. It is an honour. Thank you TIKL. From what I've observed throughout my Form 4 and Form 5 years, the Award Ceremony is pretty complicated and outrageous - especially awarding the Best Overall Student part. He or she has to parade through the whole hall with his or her parents, then stand on the stage while their biography is read out aloud. WOAH! right?

I swear I never thought this day would come. Seeing myself scoring straight A's is still believable, but being the best student, somehow I still can't believe it. HAHA. If our alumni, some Dato' guy keeps his promise, I might be getting a Samsung Galaxy Tab *beams*. I wish the process would go by in a flash. I'm afraid I might stand in an awkward posture, or make a silly face, or my legs are apart too wide, etc etc etc. Silly me right *tongue sticks out*.

Let what's going to happen, happen :)

Grey Matter shuts down here :)

Wednesday 18 April 2012

First Shimmer of Hope

If you have bad eye sight, click to enlarge :D
Lookie there. I got invited to go for the Petronas Educamp 2012. Well it isn't the scholarship Educamp, it's the camp where they interview you and assess you to see whether you're qualified for a place in UTP. As you can see in the web shot, I have already chose 'TERIMA'. So I'm going to Tronoh next Tuesday, which means missing college classes. Woohoo. HAHA. Before I checked my status, I got a unexpected call from my assistant class rep, Lee Song Han :)

Apparently, he received 2 text messages regarding the UTP Educamp. The first was to ask he to check his status. The second was to tell him to bring along his documents which he has not posted to UTP. So he called me. HAHA. He sounded disconcerted. It was so funny! He spoke to me in English. Then suddenly, all these Chinese words started coming out of his mouth. I was like uh-oh, I hope my standard of Chinese was enough to communicate with him. Song Han's Chinese is like super-duper advanced (compared to mine)! 

I tried my very best to respond to him informatively. HAHA. Song Han, my Chinese 还不错 right? That's about it, the amusing phone call. I went my mom's laptop to check my status. Turns out, a lot of others got the invitation too. I have a friend, Harith, he got 9A's except English. He didn't get the invitation. Another friend, Naim, with the exact same results as Harith, got it. Life is unfair isn't it. Tons of 7A's and 8A's students got it too. I feel so sorry for him. He even posted the documents required, unlike some others who didn't.

A lot of those who got the invitation are uncertain whether they would want to go or otherwise. Some even say that since it's not the scholarship interview, they are lazy to travel all the way to Tronoh. I personally feel that those who got the invitation should go, regardless of lame excuses. Unless there is a logical reason the absence of yourself. A lot of people out there, meet the criteria and want to have a shot at this but are not chosen. Yet another handful of people are like 'lazy lah'.   <-- This is called WTF attitude.

Anyway, it's not my role to judge anyone. If some lame ass fellow wants to let this chance slip away, not my business. I want to go through this interview because:
  • I want to gain experience from this interview.
  • Make new friends, learn from others who are better.
  • See if I have a shot at Malaysia's Top University.
  • I'm jealous of those who have already been called for interview. HAHA
That''s about it. I ain't giving this high hopes as I intend to apply for full scholarship. I feel I deserve a scholarship with my results. HAHA. I gotta prove it then :)

The special program by JPA officially opened yesterday. I was the one who spread the news on Facebook. Can't help it. I was too excited (not really). This special program is specially for those who want to pursue their dreams in Engineering - like me! There are four countries for you to choose from, namely Germany, France, Japan and Korea. I am currently having a dilemma picking which course I am interested in. Well all of 'em sounds so tempting. However, I think Japan and Korea are out of my list. That leaves Germany and France.

A senior of mine, Shiva, suggested I choose the Germany course. He himself, got the special program to go to Germany. He is so awesome right! He gave me loads of guidelines, suggestions and advice. I'm still thinking though.

Grown up decisions are hard to make :/

Grey Matter shuts down here :)

Thursday 12 April 2012

To go or not to go? That's a question

Or should it be: To try or not to try? That's a question.

Next Monday, there will be an audition for TARC's TAD. I thought of trying out for it. I even posted it on Facebook. Click 'LIKE' here. You'd probably be thinking - What is she going to do? I can't dance, or beat box, or sing, or shuffle, or tell jokes. But, I have this skill, or may I say this talent - whistling. Not just ordinary, bird beak whistle, I can whistle without you knowing. Cool huh? Well I think I have a pretty cool talent. HAHA.

For the first few minutes, there weren't any notifications. However, now I have a few 'LIKES', even from my brother! I have performed my whistling act before - last year. There was this event in TIKL - Malam Bakat Amal, something like a talent show. I have no idea why but at that time, I was dying to join. I pestered Siti Dayana, my awesome classmate to join with me. We thought of a variety of different and bizarre ideas. From puppet shows, to duets, you named it. HAHA. Thinking back, it was absolutely hilarious.

In the end, I joined the show, solo. Well, it's cause there wasn't any act that we could collaborate together perfectly. I was really undecided at first, like what I'm going through now. I submitted my application form a little reluctantly as I was uncertain of my choice. Nonetheless, I took up the challenge. Another bugger along the way was - What song or tune should I whistle to? It must be something that I know and not too fast and upbeat. It must also be a piece where the audience can relate to.

It was my amazing dorm mate, Atirah Hashim, that chose a song for me. A song that everyone can relate to and that I am familiar with. The song is *drum rolls* Kau Ilhamku by Manbai. Check out the song below. You're bound to love it. So I practised and practised. Towards the day of the show, sore throat found me. I kept going though, whistling every night before bed, borrowing Syafira's MP3 to record my whistling just to make sure that it'll come out right. HAHA

A few days before the show, there was an audition, a small scaled one. The teachers were kinda stunned when they heard me. You should have seen their faces, they were like :O My teacher even asked me to try it out on the stage. With no audience, I was already shaking at my knees. When the day came, I even asked my dad to bring a nice shirt for me - My Red Checked Shirt. I also gave my dad and my sis a mini performance in the car. That Saturday, I waited for the show to start patiently, it was after Isyak.

I waited with Isaac and Richard, my little juniors *tongue sticking out face*. Isaac was really nice, telling me to chill and that everything will be all right. When it was time to go backstage, I was like OMG! OMG! OMG! I have never performed before, never ever. I went to the backstage with butterflies in my stomach. Performance after performance, I got more and more nervous. Then, I saw Isaac and Richard backstage! They didn't buy the entrance ticket, I guess they sneaked in. HAHA. You guys, thanks for the thumbs up :)

There was one thing that I forgot - my earphones. I wanted to use my earphones to block out sounds from the crowd, in case those sounds frighten me. HAHA! So I looked around and there I saw Helmi a.k.a SMS. He lent me his earphones. THANK YOU HELMI! When it was my turn, they addressed me Hujan. I used to have that mangkuk hair during Form 4. So anyway, I went to the centre of the stage, plucked in the earphones and spoke into the microphone - Hey, saya akan bersiul lagu Kau Ilhamku, really fast.

Third guy from the left :P

I started whistling, hoping that the crowd could hear me. At first they were like - Where did that sound came from? Soon they knew that I was making those whistling sounds. Towards the end of the song, some of them were singing along, so touched :') After I have finished, I said a quick Thank You and ran back backstage. Can't help it. I was freaking out. HAHA. Well that was the end of it. The next week, people were asking me "How did you do that?" , "Can you do it now?". It was fun being like a superstar for a while.

Opps. So perasan. HAHA. I even got a tiny hamper for my performance. So proud of myself. So the audition is next Monday. Will there be 50 likes? I would love to try out, but I'm scared as hell! Oh heart, why are you so freaking timid?

To go or not to go? That's a question

Grey Matter shuts down here :)

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Over it. Not

I take things that I'm into, seriously. Still sad and devastated (not really) that I didn't get short listed for round one. I didn't shed a tear, but instead laughed when I tell someone how sad I am about this. WTH is wrong with me? HAHA

There's this one rejection that got me crying two years back. I was a Form 4 kid going on to Form 5 and I freaking wanted to be a member of the BB - Briged Bestari. I got the application form, filled it with my best hand writing, pasted my best passport sized photo and sent in the application, just hoping to get an interview. I really wanted to be a member of the BB mainly it's because of their vest. The vest is freaking cool! Besides that, I was also interested in the preparations they do on stage.

Guess what? I got rejected. So did Vinod, for the stupidest, most illogical reason - we were outsiders. In TIKL, outsiders are those that did not live in the hostel. I literally wept after that, well not in front of the teacher of course. HAHA. I always thought that if I was a BB, it would be the coolest thing ever! Well, I guess God had other plans for me. I ended up becoming a member of the Student Council a.k.a Majlis Pemimpin Pelajar (MPP), in which I also ended up living in the hostel. In your face cikgu :P

I'm still not over the Petronas thing. Why? People with results a little lower than mine are getting it. There's this girl from my previous school, just an A+ lower than me. Well she got short-listed. I am happy for her, a little jealous at the same time. HAHA. A college mate suggested that maybe she was more active in co-curricular activities than me. In my personal opinion, I think I was more active than her. I might be wrong, or not.

I bought Cadbury - Black Forest to cheer myself up. Somehow, I still feel down. Really down even if I'm not showing it. I don't, or maybe almost rarely post sad, emotional statuses on my Facebook. On my Twitter, I post anything about everything. Nah. Just joking. No way am I going to be so public about my live.

Anyway, my mom told me that maybe if I got through to easily, I won't value it. Maybe this rejection is a calling for me to do better in my future applications. It cheered me up a little. What my mom said might be true. Maybe that Petronas scholarship ain't for me, or they want me to try harder next time ;)

It ain't the end. It's just a new beginning :)

Grey Matter shuts down here :) 

Monday 9 April 2012

Don't Let Disappointments, Disappoint You

Most Profitable Company in Asia
WOW! Right? I got rejected. To put it in a nicer way, I did not get short-listed for the PETRONAS EduQuest Camp. How unlucky. I thought getting freaking good results would at least get me short-listed. Well at least this rejection got me thinking. I should buck up. Get back on my feet, start doing what I used to do in TIKL and stop lazing around in college wasting my parents' money and effort. Now all I hope is to get short-listed for the other 2 scholarships that I have applied - Axiata Scholarship and Khazanah Global Scholarship Programme. A friend's friend of mine got short-listed for the PETRONAS EduQuest Camp, with results almost the same as mine. No fair! Anyway, what is done, is done. I just got to move on :)

Another scholarship that I'm planning to apply, is the Astro Scholarship Award 2012. Since I'm just an SPM leaver, I can only apply for local Universities. "Ok lah tu" :P  The deadline of application is this Sunday. Gotta do it fast and awesome.

I got back my General Paper test papers today. I scored pretty bad for the essay part. I'm in like Band 3, just average. WTH?!? It's natural to swear, it's not normal if you don't. HAHA. At least now I know where I stand, and how I should improve. HOW? Miss J didn't say. Well Miss J, I think you should focus on how to we should improve, than about the scores. About the I-think-she-dislikes-me issue, I think it's just my mind going 'cuckoo'. Everything seems fine today, probably.

I was pretty down about the not-getting-short-listed thing. I bought Cadbury to cheer myself up. It wasn't enough. So after classes, I grabbed a frozen yogurt from Pappa Rich. I go there quite often, almost everyday. I think they gave me a pretty big swirl of frozen yogurt. HAHA. Cheered me up quite a bit. To add icing to the cupcake, I got my P license and March paycheck just awhile ago too. Well as they say, there's always a rainbow after the rain :)

Don't let disappointment, disappoint you :)

Grey Matter shuts down here :)